In September, npj Science of Learning Community authors reported the benefits of a machine learning program that adapts to the learner’s responses and a new study recommended countries worldwide address education services immediately to future proof children’s lifelong success.
A research team in Germany developed an algorithm that aimed to assist learner drivers prepare for their driving test. The team, led by Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, developed the machine learning program at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. In one of the largest studies of its kind, over 50,000 learners, approximately 18-years-old, used the experimental App, which prioritized the review of items closest to being forgotten. Utkarsh Upadhyay explains further in Machine learning-based instruction helps people memorize more effectively.
The lifelong impact education has on the future success of children was investigated by the Harnessing Global Data Advance Young Children’s Learning and Development Collaborative. The study encompassed 73 countries and found investment in early childhood development and pre-primary education were associated with higher mathematics and science scores in adolescence. Linda Richter and Sara Naicker described how the pandemic has only heightened risks to education services and warn countries must act now to avoid impacts to children’s success in school and prospects later in life. Learn more in The global forecast on education.